Depo-Provera Lawsuit

Investigating Claims of Meningioma in Women

Gingras, Thomsen & Wachs is currently investigating claims concerning women who used the birth control shot Depo-Provera, and later developed brain or spinal tumors, also known as meningiomas.

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If you or a loved one used Depo-Provera and later developed a meningioma, please contact our experienced attorneys at 800-207-6225 or fill out our online contact form for a free case evaluation.

Jessie Weber Headshot

Jessie Weber


Mark Thomsen Headshot

Mark Thomsen


Or call us directly to talk to our lawyers today.

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    What is

    Depo-Provera is a birth control medication, typically administered to women as a shot every three months.

    Depo-Provera has been promoted as an effective and simple birth control medication, but alarming evidence reveals that women face a dramatic risk of developing tumors.

    A study published in the British Medical Journal revealed that women who frequently received Depo-Provera face a 555% increased risk of developing meningiomas (tumors). Depo-Provera is manufactured by Pfizer Inc., but is also sold by authorized generic companies. Current U.S. labels do not include warnings about this risk, but labels in Europe and Canada do.

    Photo of Meningioma Statistics

    How to know if I was affected? Scroll down for symptoms.

    Symptoms of Tumors Linked to Depo-Provera

    If you've used Depo-Provera, watch for symptoms that could indicate a meningioma, including:

    Photo of a Woman with a Headache

    Persistent Headaches

    Photo of a Woman with Vision Loss

    Vision Loss

    Photo of a Woman with Memory Problems

    Memory Problems

    Photo of a Woman with Seizures


    Contact Us for a Free Case Evaluation

    If you or a loved one has used Depo-Provera and later developed a meningioma, call 800-207-6225 or complete our online contact form.

    Attorneys at GTW LLP

    Nationally Recognized Law Firm