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Do you think you qualify to join a class action? Are you wondering if others may have suffered the same experience as you did? Allow us at Gingras, Thomsen & Wachs, LLP to guide you on your class action case. After assessing your case, we can determine if your case qualifies as a class action and discuss your legal options to recover compensation for your suffering. It helps to have a good understanding of class action lawsuits.

What Is a Class Action Lawsuit?

When many people are negatively impacted by some unlawful or harmful act of the same organization or individual, the victims can form a “class” of plaintiffs as a single complaint. Certain procedural requirements need to be met for a case to be considered as a class action lawsuit.

Rather than filing a large number of individual cases, a class action lawsuit brings together the victims to file a single lawsuit against the at-fault party that caused harm. A class action suit can be the result of unfair business practices, fraud, defective products, or various other reasons.

Requirements for a Class Action Litigation

In a class action lawsuit, one or a few representatives file a lawsuit against the at-fault party. While the other class members do not actively conduct the litigation, they are contacted or notified about the case. The potential class member has the liberty to opt out of the class action. The most common reasons to opt out include concerns about settlement terms, preference for individual action, or disagreement with the class action.

One of the most important steps in the class action litigation process is to get certification for the class. Most states follow the procedure for certification outlined by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), which has certain requirements for the case to qualify as a class action. These class actions must be based on the same problem or wrongdoing and should include many potential claimants making it practical for them to join one lawsuit. Another requirement is that the class representative plaintiff must provide adequate and fair protection for the entire class.

Once the class action has been filed, the parties and court will need to identify all the individuals who may be involved and will make a reasonable effort to notify the class members. As the requirements and procedures for class action litigation often get complex, it’s best to hire a law firm or attorney who focuses on such cases.

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Benefits of Class Action Lawsuits

If you can meet the requirements of a class action lawsuit, you can benefit from several advantages. The biggest advantage is that when a number of individuals take on a large corporation, you are more likely to win the case. There is also greater pressure on the corporation to settle the case.

As the expenses are shared amongst the individuals, no one party is overburdened, making it easier for them as a whole to go against a large corporation. In some cases, the plaintiffs of a class action suit do not even need to go to court for legal proceedings. They can have their attorney represent all class members. This is a major benefit for plaintiffs who want to focus on their recovery from the losses.

The plaintiff of a class action lawsuit can be awarded compensation for a variety of losses including current and future medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, legal fees, and more.

Role of Class Action Lawyers in Waukesha

Class action lawyers focus on cases that involve multiple parties going against a single entity. They know how to get certification from the court to proceed as a class action, investigate the case to gather evidence, and represent plaintiffs in the court of law.

Most class action cases involve extensive negotiations, where large corporations often try to lure or pressure plaintiffs into accepting low settlement offers. However, class action lawyers play a vital role in ensuring their clients get full and fair compensation for their suffering. If the case is successful, class action attorneys can help distribute the settlement funds.

Schedule a Consultation

Are you looking for top-class action lawyers in Waukesha, Milwaukee, or the surrounding areas? Contact Gingras, Thomsen & Wachs, LLP for a consultation and explore how we can assist with your class action claim. Our team of skilled class action lawyers in Waukesha has a track record of success in class action claims and has represented countless clients. We provide comprehensive legal services to clients in Waukesha and other surrounding areas in Wisconsin. Furthermore, feel free to explore our Waukesha personal injury lawyer page to learn more about the range of legal services we offer.

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